Aikido of Cincinnati Youth Program

The Aikido of Cincinnati Youth Program has several aims:

  • Train students in the basic principles of Aikido as defined by Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido
  • Assist students in their physical and mental development
  • Provide a safe, healthy and structured learning environment for the students

Students are encouraged to attend at least two classes per week. Attendance is an important factor in student development and progression. Students in the Youth Program are promoted through 5 ranks (10th to 6th Kyu), after which they will test into the adult ranking system to continue their progression to Dan (black belt) ranks. Click here for the belt requirements.

Parental involvement is an important and integral part of the children‘s development and success. Our instructors actively solicit input from parents regarding the challenges and opportunities that your children are facing both in their training as well as their personal lives. We believe that the lessons learned through their Aikido training should reflect in their attitude, conduct and behavior at home and school. Furthermore, their training should provide an environment and opportunity to develop skills to meet the challenges they face throughout their lives. In order to succeed in these goals, open communication between the child, parent and teacher are of paramount importance.


Youth Program Instructors

The instructors for the Youth Program are Charles Ellis and Lee Fritz. Several assistant instructors from the adult classes are also actively involved in the Youth Program.



Kids Zone

Test your Aikido Knowledge

1. To start playing click on this link. Quiz

2. Once the new window appears, select the Start button

3. Chose the correct answer for the 20 questions

4. Your score will appear at the end of the quiz

"Hang the Ninja"

1. To start playing click on this link Game

2. Once the new window appears, you can select the letters desired to guess the word

3. If the word is completed, the word will be highlighted in green

4. If the word is not completed, the missing letters will be highlighted in red

5. You have 6 chances to guess the word